EP 11: Honoring Our Past and Hopes For The Future


Episode Length: 6:29

Hi ! Welcome to a very special and very short edition of the Our Nature Podcast. The date this episode will air will be on Wednesday, September 11th, which is the same date and day of the week that New York City experienced the worst terrorist attack in American history. It was a day that marked the end of innocence for many people, including myself. And although it has been 18 years since 9-11, the event changed the city and our collective sense of safety forever. For these reasons, and especially because this podcast is based in New York City, I wanted to do something different for today.

September 11th is an important reminder of our universal connection, how we are all part of this beautiful planet we call home. How one person’s pain is our collective pain and how one person’s joy is our collective joy. If we have the capacity to create devastation and discord, we also have the capacity to support life, encourage compassion and spread love. I hope you continue to honor the victims, survivors, first responders and anyone else directly affected by 9-11. Let your actions be a seed, a singular event, that grows and helps to shape this world for the better.


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