EP 27: Daily Habits That Can Change Your Life Featuring Ayurvedic Doctor Bhaswati Bhattacharya


Episode Length: 1:21:20

This week, in celebration of the one year anniversary of Our Nature, I’m returning to the first topic I covered on the podcast: Ayurveda. In this episode, I chat with my longtime Ayurveda teacher Doctor Bhaswati Bhattacharya. Dr. Bhaswati is a biomedical scientist, international health specialist, primary care physician and holistic healer. She has a masters in neuroscience and pharmacology from Columbia, a masters in International Public Health from Harvard University, and a doctorate from Rush Medical College. She also completed a mid-career Phd from Banaras Hindu University in India. Dr. Bhaswati was selected from over 4000 graduates as the Commencement Graduate Orator at Harvard University in 1993, the only Indian and the second woman in history to be given this opportunity. She serves as the director of the Dinacharya Institute, teaching workshops, seminars and courses for students (such as myself) who are interested in studying Ayurveda and is the author of “Everyday Ayurveda,” a book about the daily habits that can change your life. Dr. Bhaswati has far too many accolades for me to name them all here, but she’s been an incredible teacher and friend as I continue to immerse myself in the world of Ayurveda. 

We recorded this conversation in January of this year at my apartment in Manhattan, and though everyone’s lives have dramatically changed since, the teachings of Ayurveda remain ever relevant. In this episode we discuss: the foundational elements of Ayurveda, how our daily routines profoundly affect our physical and emotional health, the life changing practice of an electricity fast, where Ayurveda and Western medicine overlap and where they differ, how a particular type of oil is considered a miracle cure in Ayurveda, and the many non-cooking uses for ghee (which is clarified butter). Dr. Bhaswati has so much knowledge to impart, we really need to do a part 2 to this episode. But, until then, as Dr. Bhaswati says “swim in the wisdom that is Ayurveda.” Enjoy!

When you’re in harmony with your environment, that’s what health is.

If we can return to being connected to the land, we can cure conditions we thought incurable.

When you think about the patient and what is good for them, it’s so easy to take all modalities and blend them together.

Being human, we cannot possibly understand the entire ocean, nor can a whale understand the entire ocean. But we can swim in it and it can heal us. And, we can be one with nature and understand our nature, from nature. That’s all that Ayurveda is inviting us to do.


Show Notes

  • The three books of Ayurveda and who and why they exist

  • Ashtanga Hridayam - the book of study and why this ancient book has an important application for today

  • What our fire in our gut is and how to make sure its burning in an optimal way

  • Vata, pitta, kapha what they are and what they represent

  • How we can use the principles of science to understand Ayurveda

  • What it means to know that we are made of the elements of the earth

  • The oldest books of human wisdom are the vedas

  • What Dinacharya is and how our routines affects our bodies

  • How our clock genes change our biochemistry

  • Why New York streets are designed according to the path of the sun

  • How to do an electricity fast and why it can be life changing

  • How different doshas govern different parts of the day and how this affects our bodies

  • Where Ayurveda and Western Medicine overlap and where they differ

  • Warm sesame oil - the miracle cure

  • How ghee can be used in many purposes that aren’t solely for cooking

Connect with Dr. Bhaswati:

The Last Five Questions

  1. What is your favorite place in nature?

    In the arms of my boyfriend.

  2. What is the animal, mineral or plant that resonates with you the most?

    I love gold. That’s kind of a mineral. It is completely pure and everything can sit next to it, but can’t disturb its own nature. Gold is pure.

  3. What is one thing we can do right now to connect with the natural world and bring more harmony into our lives?

    Be still, be quiet and listen to your own breath.

  4. What’s the greatest lesson nature has taught you?

    To keep my eyes open and my mouth closed.

  5. Complete this sentence: Nature brings me…


Connect with Our Nature Podcast:

Gratitude List: This podcast would not be possible without the group of talented individuals below. I offer them my sincerest thanks and love.