EP 09: How to Heal Your Body With Plants Featuring Herbalist Rachelle Robinett


Episode Length: 1:05:35

Rachelle Robinett is an herbalist, holistic health practitioner and this week’s guest on the Our Nature Podcast. After spending many years working in marketing in the fashion industry, Rachelle transitioned into her greatest passion - herbs and plant-based medicine. In this episode we talk all about Western Herbalism, the use of teas, tinctures and decoctions, which herbs are overrated (hello adaptogens and CBD) and which are underrated (nervines), why the millennial generation is suffering from an epidemic of chronic disease, and practical things each of us can do to feel healthier. If you’ve ever been curious about Western Herbalism, this episode is for you. If you’ve been contemplating a career transition or are hesitant to fully step into your calling, this episode is also for you. Rachelle is a bright light in the wellness space and I can’t wait for you to hear her wisdom!

“If a person is willing to make themselves a cup of tea, it’s likely they’ll get better in your care because it shows that they’re willing to set aside the time to take care of their health.”

“It’s [herbalism] a way of looking at the world where you just see the natural world as a companion, and as our foundation, as opposed to all the other ways it can be seen.”

“There’s a massive disconnect from our bodies – being able to hear them, being about to understand what we’re hearing, and having any idea what to do about that.”

“It’s challenging and liberating to experience being able to experience the world without all of our crutches, even if they are good ones, for a period of time.”


Connect with Rachelle Robinett:

Show Notes

  • What Herbalism is and why it’s synonymous with plant-based wellness and holistic wellness

  • How Rachelle got into herbalism

  • How all of the holistic medicine systems work with all of the same energy systems like prana and chi

  • Why Rachelle always favors a local remedy verses one that comes from abroad

  • What an apothecary is and how someone would get started if they were interested in herbalism

  • The power of tea as medicine

  • What an herbal infusion is and why you should use it

  • A decoction is used to extract roots and medicinal mushrooms

  • The higher fiber content, the more time, heat or force is necessary to extract an herb or substance

  • On transitioning from the fashion industry to the wellness sphere

  • The vulnerability that comes with putting yourself out into the world

  • Why millennials have more chronic disease than previous generations and what we can do about it

  • The importance of working with people wherever they’re at in their wellness journey

  • Why adaptogens are over-hyped – adaptogens are not a synonym for herbs and how they mask symptoms of burnout

  • Why nervine herbs are underrated and how we can use them

  • Why we should be skeptical of an extraction from a full plant verses using the whole plant

  • The issue of cost and accessibility in the wellness industry

  • How Rachelle eases her clients into lifestyle changes

  • Why it’s valuable to shed all of your supplements, phones, routines etc. and retreat for a week.

  • How Rachelle stays connection to the natural world on a regular basis

  • Supernatural Cafe and HRBLS

  • The last five questions

The Last Five Questions

  1. What is your favorite place in nature?

    The jungle.

  2. What is the animal, mineral or plant that resonates with you the most?


  3. What is one thing we can do right now to connect with the natural world and bring more harmony into our lives?

    Going outside more and really taking a closer look at our food and the sources of our food.

  4. What’s the greatest lesson nature has taught you?

    To be flexible. To be more like water. To be receptive to the wind. To listen to the intuitive sense and to acknowledge the direction it’s blowing and flowing.

  5. Nature brings me…

    Immense joy.

This podcast would not be possible without the group of talented individuals below. I offer them my sincerest thanks and love.