EP 31: Still stressed? How Hemp Can Help, With Alexis Rosenbaum of Rosebud CBD


Episode Length: 1:27:18


This episode is the second in a series exploring how plants can help us regulate our stress response. Last week, we talked about adaptogens (if you haven’t listened to that episode yet, I’ll link it in the show notes) And this week, the plant we’re exploring is hemp. In this episode I talk with Alexis Rosenbaum, the founder and CEO of Rosebud CBD, which makes CBD tinctures with a high concentration of full spectrum hemp extract mixed with certified organic MCT oil for a faster, more efficient delivery throughout the body. Alexis says: “I believe in the power of hemp and cannabis because our biology shows such a strong and natural connection. I hope Rosebud brings people relief, but more importantly, the ability to live a happy and comfortable life feeling like their best selves.”

I was new to CBD, and a bit skeptical of the hype, but I resonated with Alexis’ thoughtful whole plant medicine approach for Rosebud. In this episode we talk about how Alexis went from anti-cannabis to founding a CBD company, CBD as a gateway to a deeper connection to self and to nature, and we get into the science: What CBD stands for, the definition of turpines, a rundown of cannabinoids and what they do for the body (THC, CBG, CBN). We also talk about the dangers of heavy metals in CBD and what to look for when choosing CBD, the many benefits of hemp, the role that privilege plays in the CBD industry, and what Rosebud is doing to bring more equity into the space. I think it’s important to note that we recorded this conversation back in January of this year and it was clear to me then that Alexis is committed to using her platform and company to create a more representative, just and equitable industry. For example, a month after we recorded, in February, Rosebud celebrated Black History Month by amplifying stories of women of color working in cannabis. And in March, the company donated 10% of all sales to @bklyndefender, an organization that provides qualified lawyers to over 35,000 low-income people facing jail time - approximately 70% of whom are African American. Finally, over the summer, Rosebud committed to donating 10% of their profits to The Equity Organization, a criminal justice organization working to reform our country’s unjust, discriminatory and unscientific drug policies. I mention all of this because I believe there’s no way to fully cover the topic of cannabis without addressing the historic and enduring inequality and inequity surrounding the use of this plant. If you’re interested in learning about these organizations working for criminal justice in the cannabis industry, take a look at the show notes. I hope you learn something new and enjoy this episode.


Show Notes

  • The benefits of CBD

  • What Alexis’ relationship was to nature, growing up on a dairy farm in Indiana

  • On growing up anti-cannabis and the moment that changed

  • What prompted Alexis to start Rosebud CBD

  • The challenges of starting a CBD company in an unregulated market

  • CBD as a gateway to deeper connection to self

  • Getting into the science: What CBD stands for, the definition of turpines, a rundown of the other cannabinoids and what they do for the body (THC, CBG, CBN)

  • The dangers of heavy metals in CBD-based products

  • How CBD affects our bodies

  • The three types of hemp extracts: full spectrum, broad or wide spectrum, CBD isolate

  • The physical benefits of CBD

  • Why proper dosing is essential

  • Side effects of taking CBD…can you overdose?

  • Rosebud CBD’s products - original, double, and extra strength

  • Alexis’ personal dosing amounts

  • What to look for when choosing CBD products

  • The role that privilege plays in the CBD industry and how Rosebud is addressing this privilege

  • How Alexis is working to break the stigma around marijuana and why diversity in the industry matters

  • How hemp can help heal the world

  • Other things we can do or take to receive similar benefits to CBD

  • The ways cannabis has brought Alexis closer to the natural world

  • The Last Five Questions

Connect with Alexis Rosenbaum:

The Last Five Questions

  1. What is your favorite place in nature?

    Being near water.

  2. What is the animal, mineral or plant that resonates with you the most?

    Cannabis. And, my dog - a mini poodle.

  3. What is one thing we can do right now to connect with the natural world and bring more harmony into our lives?

    Houseplants and making it a habit to go for a walk, go for a hike. Get outside.

  4. What’s the greatest lesson nature has taught you?

    That everything has a season and has its time, so just continue feeding and nurturing and taking the time that you need because you time for harvest will come.

  5. Complete this sentence: Nature brings me…

    Joy. Fulfillment. It gives me peace.

Connect with Our Nature Podcast:

Gratitude List: This podcast would not be possible without the group of talented individuals below. I offer them my sincerest thanks and love.